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User roles and access points

Project manager, Office admin, Super admin

Stine Karlsen O'Connor avatar
Written by Stine Karlsen O'Connor
Updated over a week ago

Qondor has four user access levels to reflect the different roles and responsibilities in your organisation. These are: Project manager, Office admin, Super admin and Limited Project manager. User access point is set when adding users from the "Users" menu. 

Only Office admins or Super admins can register users.
Learn how to register users here.


This is the standard user role and sufficient for the great majority of users.

  • Has access to and can work with all project features

  • Can create and administer personal text templates

  • Can create and administer customers.

Contact us at to register your first Project manager.


Each office should have at least one Office admin. In addition to the standard Project manager access, an Office admin can:

Contact us at to register your first Office admin.


Companies with several Qondor offices should have a Super admin, who can access projects across offices. In addition to Office admin rights, a Super admin can:

  • Search for and access projects in one or all of the company's offices, from Project search. A Super admin belongs to one office and this will be pre-selected in the search but can be removed.

  • See, administer and add Users and Teams for all offices in your company

  • Promote other users to the Super admin role

  • Delete own projects under “My projects”

  • Delete offers in “Project details”

  • Beware that only duplicates and wrongly registered offers and projects should be deleted as you are not able to get them back.

  • Administer global suppliers

Contact us at to register your first Super admin.


Allow users or customers to work on specific projects and restrict access to all other projects or data within your office by assigning their user to Limited Project manager.

This user has access to the same as those with the access level "Project Manager" excluding the following items in this article.

Contact us at to register your first Limited Project manager.

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