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User Administration

How to add and deactivate users, define access points and reset your password

Nitu Kaur Sabbharwal avatar
Written by Nitu Kaur Sabbharwal
Updated over 4 months ago

Each person in your office using Qondor must have a personal user account. When your office receives access, all users may already be registered, but Office Admins too have the option to add, edit and deactivate users under the Users menu.


Office and Super administrators have access to the User menu and are able to add new users to their office(s) in Qondor.

​Username tips

We strongly recommend using an email address as username. The username must be unique among all project managers and customer contact person users.

Password requirements

To protect your account, passwords must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum Length: Your password must be at least 8 characters long.

  • Avoid Predictable Passwords: For added security, avoid using passwords that are simple, widely known, or easily guessed. This helps protect your account from potential vulnerabilities.


Each user must have one of the following access levels: Project manager, Office admin or Super admin. Read about access levels here.

🔐Hiring temporary staff for specific projects? Use the Limited Project manager role to manage temporary staff's access. Learn more here.


If the user has received an invitation through the "Create and invite" button when creating a user (see above screenshot), they will access a link received by email, set a personal password, and then verify access with a 4 digit code received by email.

❕The link will expire after 12 hours. In that case, follow these short steps to log in:

  1. On your Qondor login page, click "Reset your password"

  2. Type in your email address

  3. You will receive an email containing a link

  4. When clicking on the link, you are back on the login page

  5. Set a personal password

  6. Congratulations, you are now live in Qondor 🎉


If you have forgotten your password, you can reset your password. To do this, click Reset your password on the login page.

Enter your username, not your email address here.

(Unless your username is the same as your email address.)

If you can't access your email, you need to ask your Office administrator to set a new email address or a new temporary password for your account.


In Qondor you are not able to delete a user, but you can deactivate a user. There are two ways to disable a user's access:

From the main users overview, click the red icon to deactivate immediately.

2. From a user's profile, uncheck the Active checkbox and click save.


There may be a time where you need to allow users access to Qondor again. There is no need to create a new user for users who have previously had a profile in Qondor. Previous user accounts lie inactive in Qondor so you simply need to reactivate their profile to provide them access.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. From the main users overview, click the ALL filter (to show both activated and deactivated)

    Find the user (use Alt + F to search through a large list). Click the blue icon to reactivate immediately.

2. From a user's profile, check the Active checkbox and click save.

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