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Standard & Transport products on Form

Enable booking of program content and transport with allotment and price options.

Nitu Kaur Sabbharwal avatar
Written by Nitu Kaur Sabbharwal
Updated over a week ago

Standard and Transport products are two types of products Project managers can use to enable registration of attendee preferences and details.

A Standard product is very flexible in its appearance and can be used in a variety of scenarios like registration for a workshop, an activity, a meeting room, a restaurant booking, and so on.

A Transport product can be used to offer booking of transport tickets like flight or train and can include a travel itinerary. Qondor supports a copy/paste from Amadeus and Galileo for flight information.


  1. Create a standard product by clicking the label icon. 🏷️ 

  2. Or create a transport product by clicking the airplane icon. ✈️

  3. Type in the name of the product in the Heading field, for e.g. Conference. (The heading is mandatory).

    Mandatory: Select this if it is mandatory for bookers to select this product.

    Published to: Products are displayed to everyone by default.

    • If you want an internal product for administration, select published to Project managers from the dropdown.

    • If you do not want the product visible anywhere to anyone, but cannot or do not want to remove it, select No one from the dropdown.



If you want to make your form more visual and your product more appealing and informative to the customer, then you can add images and a description here.

  1. Click Design and a slide-in window will appear.

  2. Enter a description.


Click Allotment and a slide-in window will appear πŸ‘‡

  • Total allotment (optional): This helps you to keep track of the total allotment you have reserved from the supplier. This is for your own information only and is not used to control bookings.Β 

  • Bookable allotment (optional): This number is the total allotment available for booking. When the number of product bookings reaches this number, additional bookers will not be able to book this product.

  • Available allotment: This updates automatically to reflect how much bookable allotment is available.

  • Display allotment information: If you check this option, the booker can see the remaining allotment of the product on the form.

  • Reserve allotment per category: If you have enabled participant categories, the reserve allotment option will be available. This is useful if you want to reserve allotment for some categories to have control of the event and attendees. For example, you may have an allotment of tickets that needs to be reserved for each category or one specific category.


To make the appearance of the product suitable to your audience and limit possible misunderstandings and questions, you have several options to adjust how the product is presented on the form. The screenshot below displays the different options, where I have set that the booker must actually answer the product with a yes/no answer.

  • Single booker must answer Yes/No: Check this option if you require a yes or no answer from the booker. Check "Override" to customise the texts. Useful if you want to force the booker to submit an answer.

  • Single quantity text/multiple quantity text: You can override the default booking questions ("Add" for single bookings/"Select quantity" for multi bookings). Simply enter your text into this field. If you have multi booking enabled, you can choose to override this field as well.

  • Displayed in booking summaries and pdf: Products are displayed on booking confirmations by default. Untick this if you do not want bookers to see the product in their confirmation. Useful for example in terms of GDPR where you need bookers to securely register personal data, but want it stored in Qondor only.

  • Bookable quantity: "One per participant" is selected by default.

    Check "Define a max quantity" and type in the total amount that a participant can book for the product, to allow bookers to select more than one quantity of the product.

    For example, you can allow bookers to book up to 10 concert tickets per booking/participant. If payment is activated, the booker can pay for all the tickets select.

    πŸ“ŒIf multibooking is enabled and this field is left empty, then the maximum bookable quantity will be equal to the number of participants within the booking.

  • Conditions (Advanced setting): Enable sophisticated rules for displaying form content so bookers gain a tailored booking experience based on their choices. Go to Form conditions to learn more.


If your product has a price you want to display or be payable, then click Pricing to set the pricing rules and who is responsible for payment.

Select the VAT article(s) and in and out prices on your price line.

Who is paying:Β 

  • Booker is selected by default. Leave this as it is if the individual booker is paying.

    If the product is payable by the booker, the price will always be displayed.

  • If the Customer (company) is paying then select Customer (based on bookings).

    If you want to display the prices payable by the customer, check "Display price to the booker". πŸ‘‡

Product deposit (optional):

Advance/early bird pricing

Use this if you want Qondor to display one specific price for a defined time period, and another price for another time period.

  1. Click on the green tab labelled "add date dependent price".

  2. Define the date in the "Price valid from" field to define when each price is available for bookers.

Qondor automatically swaps prices based on the dates you set. Bookers get and pay for the price that is valid at the time of booking.
​Learn more about Early Bird Pricing here

Block product for specific categories: If you have more than one participant category, then you can block a category for booking this product if they shouldn't have access to it. Click "product" to go to these settings πŸ‘‡


Display non-refundable text on products

Products with prices and no refund rules are non-refundable by default. You may choose to include this information in terms & conditions, rather than per product. Products with no refund rules are still non-refundable even if you keep the text disabled.

Check "display non-refundable text" to show this information on the form.

Here's how it looks with and without πŸ‘‡

Form products without non-refundable text

Form products with non-refundable text

πŸ“ŒYou may want to keep the text hidden from the product if:

  • Refund rules are different per country.

  • You don't want to display these terms per product.

In both cases, the information can be presented in the terms and conditions instead.

Activate refund rules

Override non-refundable products if needed by setting specific refund rules in individual multi-booking refunds.

  • Specify a fixed amount or percentage which your product can be refunded for;

  • Set a deadline for the refund;

  • Add several refund criteria.

  • The amount can be whole or part of the product, dependent on your pricing strategy.

Please note: Qondor does not process the actual refund; Project managers must do this manually as per their accounting processes. Qondor will however update booking balances based on the refund rules.


  • Select a supplier for the product (only visible if Suppliers is activated in your office).

  • Override deadline for registration: If you have set a deadline for registration in Form settings, you can for this particular product override it with another date, prior to the main deadline.

  • Name on form: Choose the name you would like to display on your form. This is useful if you want to display a different name to bookers than in Admin web.

  • Name on lists: You can also choose an alternative name for lists, perhaps one that is more identifiable to your customers or suppliers. Read about creating and sharing lists here.

  • Booked product information: If products in a form have specific product information, this setting displays the information automatically in the booking confirmation email if it has been booked. Learn more here.

  • Form alternatives: If you need several questions answered on a product, define Form alternatives the booker can or must answer if booking it. Learn more here.

SEGMENTS (Transport product only)

  1. Go to the Transport product --> and click Segments

2. Manually input time schedules or click Import from Amadeus / Galileo to import Amadeus or Galileo flight information (depending on which GDS provider you use. Office and Super admins can set the relevant GDS provider(s) for Project managers in Office settings).


If you need several questions answered on a product, define Form alternatives the booker can or must answer if booking it.

  1. To access Form alternatives, go to the product that you want to enable form alternatives on.

  2. Add the type of form alternative you need.*

  3. Publish it to the form.

  4. Click Alt + S to save the alternative.


  • Add a description field if you want to add information.

  • Add a drop-down list to provide choices from which the booker must select one.

  • Add a text field to allow the booker to type free text.

  • Add a date field to insert a date picker/calendar in the form if you need the answer to be in date format.

  • You can add as many form alternatives as you like, and set whether each one should be published and mandatory.

  • Re-arrange the alternatives by clicking the arrows.

❗ If a max quantity is defined under Bookable quantity, then you cannot use Form alternatives.

Here I want to know the booker's travel preferences, and gain more information from the booker. Here's how it looks on the form:


If products in a form have specific product information, it is possible to display this information automatically in the booking confirmation email if it has been booked.

Example of a booking confirmation email with product information πŸ‘‡πŸ½

The text in the green box has been inserted automatically via the [Booking.BookedProductInformation] merge tag.


  1. Go to the product where you want to display the booked product information for.

  2. Click on MORE.

  3. Type in the information that should be displayed in the booking confirmation email for this product in the Booked product information field. (As shown in the screenshot.)

  4. Click OK or ALT + S to save.

  5. Go to Booking confirmation at the bottom lefthand pane of Form Builder.

  6. Insert the merge tag booked product information in the email body and save.

  7. The merge tag will autofill with the information entered in the email.


Only information about the products that the booker has booked will show in the booking confirmation email or any other email (where the Booked product information merge tag has been inserted).

πŸ“ŒIf multiple products have been booked which include Booked Product Information, they will be separated by a line break in the email.

πŸ“ŒPlease note that [Booking.BookedProductInformation] does not have retroactive effect. Therefore, make sure to input this information before the registration goes live.

For example, if bookings have already been made and you add [Booking.BookedProductInformation] after the booking has been created, this information will not be included in those existing bookings. In such cases, you will need to manually review and reconfirm each affected booking.

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