When building a registration form, Project managers may be required to present different choices to bookers. Products are useful for:
Handling allotment, such as for hotel rooms, tickets, workshops and activities
Presenting prices and enabling payment on booking options
Having several questions answered in relation to a bookable product or service like an activity, meal, conference package, or transport
The need to override settings for certain participant categories
For simple forms where the above is not necessary, build your form without products by following this simple step by step guide.
Once you have enabled Form in your project, you need to head to Form Builder. You will be working with the left-hand pane. This mirrors the flow of the registration form.
To create products:
Add a new step - Product or accommodation. (The products need a step.)
A blank Form Step dialog will appear on the right. Give this page a mandatory heading to be displayed at the top of the relevant page in your form. Adding additional text is optional. Click save.
3. The step dialog will then reveal options to add products on the left-hand side. This is where you determine what to include in your form step.
4. To create a product you must choose from (in order of appearance) Standard, Transport, or Choose Between Products by clicking the relevant icon.
The "T" icon allows you to add a description, the box is to add a product sub-step to group products together, and the final icon allows you to add existing products pre-created in your project (either from your offer and is activated on the form, or a previously created product in your form that was then removed).
Read more about how you can use these products below and click the links to find out how to create them.
Standard products can be created for a variety of products, for example: a workshop, an activity, a meeting room, restaurant booking, and so on. This type of product is also good to use when a product does not require a price, but you perhaps need to pose a question to the booker.
Transport products can be created when you are offering flight tickets or train tickets. Qondor supports a copy/paste from Amadeus for flight information.
The Choose between products option is useful for when you want to offer several products from which the booker must select only one.
Product sub-steps allows you to group products together on a product step. You can add any product, choose between or text element to a sub-step.
Accommodation products can be used if Project managers would like to present hotel(s) or other overnight accommodation options for the booker.
To add accommodation products, you must use the Accommodation product step. Accommodation products cannot be combined with other product types.
You can publish products to the form from the Form Builder page. (The place where you started.) Go to the relevant product. A product is by default published to everyone, but you can choose between the following:
Everyone (who has access to the form)
Project managers only
No one
You can remove products from a form element by clicking "DELETE". It will not be deleted from your project, only from your Form. It will be available for use in other form elements you have or will create.
Products already booked cannot be removed from the form. If you want to remove products from the form that cannot be removed due to being booked, you have two options:
Delete the approved and in-progress bookings only if you are in the test phase (never delete actual customer bookings), and you can then remove the product by clicking "DELETE".
Set the form element as Published to "No one". Then the product will no longer be displayed on the form and will not be bookable.
Remove Choose Between or Accommodation products.
Click the red bin next to the individual product to remove a product from a Choose Between or Accommodation element. (If the bin is grey, this means the products have been booked or are in the process of being booked.)
Screenshot from Choose Between element
🗑 To remove the whole form element, click the "DELETE" button.
💡 Use the arrows to rearrange the order of the products:
GIF taken from Accommodation element