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Accommodation products on Form

Enable booking of accommodation and registration of rooming list details

Nitu Kaur Sabbharwal avatar
Written by Nitu Kaur Sabbharwal
Updated over a year ago

Accommodation products are essentially for project managers to present hotel(s) or other overnight accommodation options for the booker. It is possible to allocate allotment per hotel/room type per night.

πŸ“Œ N.B. The accommodation element must be the only element on a single form step, it cannot be combined with other elements on the same step.


  1. In Form Builder, click the Accommodation icon to create a new step. Type in the heading (this will display on the form step to bookers).

  2. You can fill in any general information about the accommodations you are offering (optional) in the "Main text" dialog.

  3. Scroll down to 'Select Accommodation' and select +new accommodation product from the dropdown list.

  4. This will direct you to the full edit page, where you can define hotel name, available room types, dates and allotment, prices, image and description.

  5. Once you have completed all the details of your product, click save and you will be directed back to the Form Builder.

  6. If you want to reuse an already existing product (from an offer for example), select it in the drop-down list - you do not need to follow steps 2 and 3.

  7. Scroll down to fill in any information under "Accommodation search intro text" (optional)- this is useful to guide bookers through the booking of accommodation.



In full edit mode of the product, Project managers must define the product name, rooms, dates, allotment and/or prices.


  • Add a name to the product. This is normally the hotel/accommodation name.

  • In Price Settings select the relevant VAT article(s).

  • Click 'Add room' to expand the Rooms and Nights tab; here you can define the available room types and allotment for the accommodation product.

Name: it is advisable to write the name/type of the room. For e.g. Single, Double, Superior, Suite.

Room position: If you have more than one room type, specify the order you would like the rooms to appear in.

Guests per room: specify the maximum number of people that can stay in one room - choose from 1-3 people. If you need to add more than 3 guests, then select 'more than 3 guests' and Qondor will allow you to manually type a number.Β 

Single booker must share room: select this option if the room has an occupancy of more than one and must be shared. In single bookings, the room will be shared with another booker, so each booker will get their share of the room, and not the full room. (❗ A single person will not be allowed to book and pay for the entire room.)

Who is paying:Β 

  • If the Customer (company) is paying then select Customer (based on bookings)

  • If the individual booker is paying then select Booker.

  • It is possible to display prices if the product is payable by customer. If it is payable by the booker, the price is visible by default. (Enable this by selecting "Show prices on Participant Web (form)"

Referral: make it clear that a customer needs to pay something directly to the supplier. (This is dependent on your company and whether Suppliers is activated in your office). Read more about referral payments here.

​Nights: Add the number of nights available to book. Each row is applicable to one night's stay.

​#of rooms: enter the number of rooms that are available to book. This is essential for accurate allotment control.

Refund rules (optional, only necessary if payment is activated):Β 

Form refunds:

You can also specify a fixed amount or percentage which your product can be refunded for and set a deadline for the refund. The amount can be whole or part of the product, dependent on your pricing strategy.

Please note: Qondor does not process the refund; Project managers must do this manually as per their accounting processes.

Display non-refundable text on products with prices without refund rules

Products with prices and no refund rules are non-refundable. You may choose to include this information in terms & conditions, rather than per product. Products with no refund rules are still non-refundable even if you keep the text disabled.

If you want to display the non-refundable text with the product, then you can enable this in the Form refunds section.


Here's how it looks with and without πŸ‘‡

Form products without non-refundable text

Form products with non-refundable text

You may want to keep the text hidden from the product if:

  • Refund rules are different per country.

  • You don't want to display these terms per accommodation.

In both cases, the information can be presented in the terms and conditions instead.

FORM CONFIG (optional)

Name on form: here you can choose the name you would like to display on your form. This is useful if you want to display a different name than in Admin web.Β 

Name on lists: you can also choose an alternative name for lists, maybe one that is more familiar to your customers or suppliers. (Read about creating and sharing lists here.)

Override deadline for registration: Deadline for registration is defined under Form settings. It is possible to override the deadline for registration on a particular product. Activate this setting if you want to set a deadline that differs from the Form setting.

Show special requests: This will display a text field on the form where bookers can specify any special requests they have during their stay.

Minimum number of nights: The minimum number of nights the booker must book. Sometimes, hotels could have a minimum nights policy, particularly during large congresses.


If you want to make your form more visual and your product more appealing and informative, then you can add images and a description here.Β 



  • Tick main stay period to set default dates in the hotel search on the form.

  • Tick mandatory stay period which bookers must book.

  • Enable Manual name reporting and set max simultaneous nights to the maximum number of rooms that can be booked per date for a single booking. Name reporting can then be manual for each room, and you can enable booking of several rooms within one single booking.


If products in a form have specific product information, it is possible to display this information automatically in the booking confirmation email if it has been booked.


  1. Go to full edit mode within the product where you want to display the booked product information for.

  2. Click on the form config tab.

  3. Type in the information that should be displayed in the booking confirmation email for this product in the Booked product information field.

  4. Click save.

  5. Go to Form builder --> Booking confirmation

  6. Insert the merge tag booked product information in the email body and save.

  7. The merge tag will autofill with the information entered in Form config in the email.

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