Building registration forms is flexible and can be done with different approaches. It is however important to have as much information as possible regarding participants' booking needs and your customers' needs for lists ready before starting to build the form. In short, your preferred output should be at the forefront when setting up the form.
Note: Below is a suggested approach for building a registration form. You can do the defined tasks in your own order, so this is only a guideline.
1. On the main menu, click Enable form under the Form menu.
2. Optional: Create the front page in Form builder -> Front page. (If you do not wish to have a front page you can disable this by checking 'No'. ⬇️)
3. The Personal Details step is the first step on your form by default.* This page requires the booker's first name, last name and email. In Form builder -> Personal details, you can add a custom heading and text to be displayed at the top of this page. This could include instructions, important information or a persuasive introduction for bookers.
💡*The personal details step can be moved to the end of the form in Form settings -> General and select "at the end".
4. In Form -> Builder -> Personal details activate any standard fields for the booker to be displayed on the Personal Details step under Booker Fields. To be able to send SMS to participants, the Phone field here must be published and mandatory. Gender must be registered to generate lists in Amadeus/Galileo format.
5. You can find Additional Person fields in Form -> Builder -> Personal details where you will be able to activate email and phone registration for additional participants if you have enabled multi bookings.
6. At the bottom of the Personal details page -> click Participant custom fields. Here you can create any text fields, dropdown lists or text lines you need to add to the Personal Details step. The fields you create can be category specific.
7. In Participant -> Participant categories, create necessary categories if you need to categorise participant information/booking options and/or define access codes.
8. In Form -> Form builder, create the steps you want on the form, then publish or create products on the appropriate form steps. You can reuse already created products on the project or create new ones. Use the Form builder with products if you need one or more of the following:
allotment handling
prices/payment on booking options
several questions answered in relation to a bookable product or service like an activity, meal, conference package, transport or accommodation
need to override settings for certain categories.
9. In Participant -> Category Matrix, define which participant categories (if you have created any) should be able to see and book which custom fields and products.
10. Consider adding more information in the form of Menu items on the Participant Web.
11. Make sure the form is published ❕ Click the green button ↙️
12. Test the form by viewing the form as a booker. To do this, go to Form builder, and right click on the Live address URL. Open the url in incognito or private mode. Read more about the different Form views here.
13. In Participant -> Participants, import participants you want to invite and Go live! by sending invitations to book, or;
14. Go live! by distributing the Form link (live address url) or shortlink to your customer.