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Product Search

Reuse previously created content in new offers to work smarter and more effectively

Stine Karlsen O'Connor avatar
Written by Stine Karlsen O'Connor
Updated over a year ago

You produce great content in offers that can easily be reused within your office instead of creating the same over and over again. For example, content such as location, hotel and restaurant descriptions with images, text and/or prices.Β 

Product search opens up a whole new world in terms of creating quality offers with minimal effort. If your company uses more than one office in Qondor, it is also possible to reuse content across all offices.*


Search product content or add existing products at the bottom of your offer.

  • Click "Search & copy" on the main offer page:

Add existing products to a specific location in your offer.

  • Access the context menu to the right of the product name where you want the new product(s) above or below

  • Click the search icon where you want to insert new product(s). Below I select the search icon to insert new product(s) inside the group I have clicked on.

  • You can choose to search and insert products in a specific location outside a group or within a group.



  • Search by Project, Offer (from other projects), Location, Project manager, Type of product, Product name and/or Product offer, Product form description, Product Category.

  • When searching within a Project or an Offer the search results will be listed in the same order as the Offer you are copying the products from.

  • In the example search below, the Project Manager searched for "Barcelona", (where the location was already pre-filled from Offer Settings). The Project manager typed in the specific Project to find products only from this project.


  • The newest products with image and/or description are displayed first

  • The list displays a maximum of 100 results

  • You can click on the Product name to see the product in full in a new tab

  • You can click on the Project name to view the project in full in a new tab

  • It is also possible to search by Supplier and Supplier category and reuse products connected to a specific supplier or type of supplier. Learn more here. (Filters on Product search for Suppliers will only be visible for companies/offices that have the Suppliers module enabled. Learn how to enable Suppliers here.)

Screenshot from Product search including the Suppliers filters. ‴


It is possible to search by Offer too! Type in the Project number or name and expand the Offer drop down list to select the offer you would like to see the products for.


The "eye icon" gives you a preview of the product before adding it, showing image and/or text.



  1. Select the product(s) you want to add by checking the box to the left.

  2. Click "Add" and the product(s) will be added to your offer with product name and any image(s) and description.

  3. Click "Add with prices" and the product(s) will be added to your offer with all product information; name and any image(s), description, prices and settings.

  4. Copied products are immediately published on the offer you copy it to. You can unpublish them from the context menu to the right of the product name.

  5. You can edit the copied products without changing the original product you have copied from.

  6. Check the select all box at the top, to add all products at once:

  • Adding a product connected to a supplier, will also automatically add the supplier of the product to your project.

  • Adding a product with a product category assigned will also copy the category over too.

πŸ’‘PRO TIP: Click "Stay on search page" to add the selected product(s) whilst keeping your search results.


You can also search for and copy previously used products with foreign currencies on in-prices in the same way as described above.Β 

The difference is that, if you add a product that has a foreign currency, a dialog with "define currencies for products" will appear where you can set the exchange rate.Β 

If you add a new product with a new foreign currency, Qondor will automatically add currency and exchange rate to Offer settings, based on what you enter in the "define currencies for products" dialog.

If your offer already has the exchange rate for this currency set in Offer settings, the dialog will not appear. The product will simply be copied into your current offer, and the product's price will be automatically updated based on the exchange rate you have set.


If your company has more than one office in Qondor, then the same products can now be used by Project managers from all offices if they originally belong to a template project.*

The following search filters can be found above the "Project" search bar:

  • Search: all - This is the default search filter and will search for all products within the Project manager's office as well as template products across all offices.

  • Search: template projects - This will search for products in template projects in the Project manager's office.

  • Search: template projects in all offices - This will search for products in template projects in all offices.

Note πŸ“Œ


If any products the Project manager is copying have different foreign in-price or different VAT articles than in the offer they are being copied into, the Project manager must define correct exchange rates for the offer and match any VAT articles for the products. The foreign currency will then be automatically added to your offer. (See the GIF and explanation below.)*

However, if the offer already has the same foreign currency then it will match it automatically.
If the office that the products are being copied into have the same VAT articles as the office the products are copied from, Qondor automatically matches them. For this to work, the VAT articles must have the same article number, name, VAT percentage and mode.

*Example where the foreign in-price is different: The office currency is in Euro and the products are being copied from a template project from a different office where the office currency is in Norwegian Krone.

Qondor detects that the foreign in-price of the product being copied is in a different currency (GBP) that is not available in the new offer. Here the Project manager can define the exchange rates for the in-price to be updated.

Defining the GBP currency here calculates the in-price and defining the NOK currency calculates the out-price.

The foreign currencies will then automatically be added to the offer.


If products with a default margin already set are copied from a template into a project, then the products will be copied with that margin. Prices will not be updated based on the default margin in the offer the products are copied into.


Product categories are not included in the copy of products across offices, as Qondor currently does not support global product categories.


If products have a global supplier, this will be included in the copy and the supplier will also be added to the project. This is only possible if "enable supplier on products" is activated on the current office (enabled in Office settings).

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