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Custom Customer invoice fields

Add customer specific fields to be completed on customer invoice specifications.

Martin Moen avatar
Written by Martin Moen
Updated over 10 months ago

Custom invoice fields in Qondor can be added to include additional information on invoice specifications, as required by customers.

Invoice custom fields can be inserted via our API or directly on a customer's profile in Qondor. Project managers can then complete these fields when creating invoice specifications for the specific customer.

Only Office and Super admins have access to create and edit invoice custom fields.


Invoice custom fields can be created and administered directly in Qondor, or via the Customer API (learn more about the Customer API in our API portal).

When editing a Customer in Qondor, you will see all existing invoice custom fields at the bottom of your customer card, right below the Customer remarks.

Hit the EDIT button to add new fields. Once a custom invoice field has been added to the customer, it is readily available on any new invoice specifications created for that Customer.

Screenshot from the Customer card:

Screenshots from editing the Invoice custom fields:

Heading: Set a field heading
Description: Set a description of the field as a help text to your Project managers.
Mandatory: Select whether the field is mandatory or not.
External reference: Set the identifier to the field in your internal system if needed.
Field type: Select between type Textbox and Dropdown.


When creating the invoice specification, the customers custom invoice fields are visible:

Screenshot from creating an invoice specification:


Previous responses to invoice custom fields are prefilled within the same project and customer.

Examples of such fields (that remain the same throughout the project with the same customer):

  • Employee number

  • Department

  • Cost centre

📌The prefill is restricted to the specific customer(s) and the individual project.

If you invoice two or more customers within the same project, the responses are prefilled individually on the correct customer.

📌The Project manager is still able to amend the prefilled responses.

Do you have any further questions? Contact us!

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