Customer form invoice specifications can be generated when a Project manager has a published form with completed bookings involving payment, and only if at least one product has Who is paying set to 'Customer (based on bookings)'. In this case, the booker is not responsible for payment and therefore any costs is invoiced to the customer.
Head to Invoicing - Customer invoicing
Here you will see the total balance that needs to be settled.
Click 'Create new form invoice'.
This will take you to the customer form invoice page, which allows Project managers to check the details of the invoice specification before generating it.
Here Project managers can select the appropriate language to display the invoice specification in.
The company details (name, address, customer contact's email address, etc.) will be pre-filled, but if, for instance the invoice address is different from the customer's address, the Project manager can amend this here.
Project managers can include internal remarks, which will only be shown in Qondor and visible only to those with access to that project.
It is only possible to send invoice specifications either to the specified receiving inbox for invoice specifications (set in office or project settings) or to the Project manager(s). Select which recipient(s) should receive the specification.
The invoice specification is sent as an attachment via email, so Project managers can also write what to include in the email. For example, it may be beneficial to include more information for the finance/accounts team.
Click save to generate the invoice specification.
Note that an invoice specification is never sent to a customer automatically from Qondor.
The recipient will receive the specification via email and it can also be downloaded as a PDF in Qondor (in Customer Invoicing).
The invoice specification can then be forwarded to the customer outside of Qondor.
N.B. If your office has an invoicing integration, then please refer to your superuser on how to do this, as it is only possible for those who work with invoices solely in Qondor to credit invoices directly in Qondor.
Project managers may need to make corrections and then generate a new invoice specification. To ensure that balances are displayed correctly in Qondor, and in order to generate a new specification, the previous one must be credited to bring the balance back.
Simply click the red icon to do this:
An email dialog will appear where Project managers can define their own text and choose an email recipient to receive the invoice pdf. When clicking 'credit' Qondor will automatically send this email with the invoice pdf.
To generate a new invoice specification, follow the initial steps in this article.