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Work with and report on booking allotments

Control your event allotments for quality assuring and avoid overbookings

Nitu Kaur Sabbharwal avatar
Written by Nitu Kaur Sabbharwal
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Allotment can be used if Project managers have created a form with a set amount of products or rooms to offer. Setting an allotment helps to keep control of bookings and the event so that bookers can only book what is available and therefore prevents overbooking. Project managers can easily keep track of the quantity booked and available.

Allotment could be used for something simple such as standard admission tickets to an event, that has a capacity, perhaps a set number of rooms, or in more complex projects, where the Project manager must only expose certain availability to specific categories.


Project managers will be working in Form Builder for this. Create the product and go to full edit mode. 

My example below is using a standard product for a gala dinner that has a capacity. I have 300 bookable tickets. 

The total allotment is the total you have available, but the bookable allotment is the amount available for participants to book. So only 290 tickets will be available on the form.

In Form Config, it is possible to display on the form how many tickets are available.

This is how it looks on the form:

If you have more than one participant category, you may need to reserve tickets for a specific category, for example a group of VIPs. You can check which category to reserve allotment for and the amount per category. This amount will then only be available to those categories. 

Allotment on transport products can be set in the same way as above.

Here is an accommodation product to define the number of rooms available per night. Set the available allotment in the # of rooms column. (It is not possible to display the number of rooms available on the form.)


In Bookings located in the Form module, Project managers can view accommodation and product allotments. This overview is of completed and in-progress bookings. 

In-progress bookings are reflected if someone selects to book a product and then deselects, or they leave the form without completing. As they have already selected the product it becomes held for approximately 20 minutes, which after this time bookings timeout. The allotment overview updates quantities accordingly.

Show general alternatives: Selecting this will display quantities on any form alternatives.

Enable edit allows Project managers to edit allotments directly, making it quicker and easier if several products need to be updated with allotments at once. Note that it is not possible to cancel your changes as the text box updates immediately after you leave the text box.

Select to view accommodation allotment by category or allotment status.


It may be that you need to share this information with your customer or suppliers. In order to present the allotment in a list, you can do this in two ways:

  1. Export this information into an Excel list by clicking the button.

  2. Create a List of participants and in List fields select products. Keep 'summary row' checked (default checked in Qondor).

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