With supplier products tickets, you can create, design, and sell online mobile tickets on behalf of your supplier.
Make sure you've read the articles describing setup of Supplier products.
You need to upload ticket codes to be able to issue tickets / attach tickets to a booking confirmation. You cannot tickets without having ticket codes.
Once the supplier products have been created, tickets uploaded have been uploaded, and linked to products in your Form, you can proceed:
Booking confirmation email body:
The merge tag [Booking.Tickets] will now be available for use in booking email editors.
Add the merge tag [Booking.Tickets] to your booking confirmation email. The merge tag will generate a URL to the booker if the booker has booked products that are connected to supplier products:
The email text is defined under Form - Settings - Booking confirmation.
The bookers who have successfully booked products linked to supplier products with tickets, will in their email have a link directing them to the mobile tickets if the [Booking.Tickets] merge tag has been used.
An example ticket could look like:
⭐ Good to know
Tickets can be viewed on any device
Tickets are printer friendly when using the Print option from desktop
All tickets within a booking are grouped inside the same [Booking.Tickets] merge tag.
[Booking.Tickets] can be used to resend the tickets to a booker
Contact us for more information about using Supplier product tickets in Qondor!