Go to Settings in Form builder:
Check Updating when you need to make updates to your form. Bookers will not be able to make bookings whilst you make amendments. Remember to uncheck this when you are done!
If there are any active bookings, a number is shown next to this field.
Invitation only: If everyone needs an invitation from Qondor to register, enable Invitation only.
Personal details position: Choose whether you want the personal details page to be the first step on the form or for it to show at the end of the form.
Default country in the screenshot above is set to use the participant's web language settings, however in a case where participants are domestic, then you may want to select the default country from the drop down list. For example, if the Project manager selects United Kingdom then the country and mobile country code will be pre-selected as United Kingdom for the booker.
Participant category text: If you are using Participant categories, and the default text "Category" as seen above is not suitable for your form, you can change it in this field.
Multi booking
Do you want bookers to register multiple persons in the same booking? If so, check enable multi booking.
Decide whether the booker can register on behalf of someone else.
You can also enable "allow anonymous multibookings", which means that bookers do not need to provide names for the others in the same booking until the deadline for anonymous registration is due.
Change the Heading if the default text does not suit the scenario/purpose of the form.
Number of participants allowed per multi booking: Enter how many participants should be allowed in one multibooking.
You can shorten the web link that people access to book so that the link is easier to share. A shortlink is more memorable and looks tidier.
Simply add your desired link name.
📌Please note that it can only be used once. Qondor will display a message if it has already been taken elsewhere and the message will also show which project.
You can delete a registered shortlink if needed, but the link will then no longer work so please bear this in mind if you have already distributed the deleted link.