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Emergency messages

Register emergency contacts and quickly identify and inform affected customers in case of emergencies

Stine Karlsen O'Connor avatar
Written by Stine Karlsen O'Connor
Updated over 5 years ago


Providing products and services in the travel industry means you sometimes out of no fault of your own, find yourself in situations where customers and attendees are stuck in unforeseen circumstances. There might be an airline strike affecting thousands of travellers to multiple destinations and you need to find alternative travel solutions, or an incident or natural disaster where it's crucial to warn, locate and follow up on people affected.

Qondor provides the solutions you need to identify and communicate with people in these situations:

  • Register emergency contact information per project

  • Search for projects by for example location or ongoing dates for an overview of who are affected

  • Send emergency messages by email/SMS to emergency contact persons across projects

  • See an overview of emergency messages sent from your office


In Project settings, you can register an emergency contact per project. This is someone who is responsible for the security of people involved, like the company's risk manager. This person will be the recipient of emergency messages.

If you only have one contact person on the project, this person will automatically be set as the emergency contact. In Project details you can view who is the emergency contact on the project.


In Project search, you can search and filter on the projects you want to communicate with. Check the "Show emergency options" box to be able to send emergency messages and see previously sent emergency messages in your office. 


Click the Filter ONGOING button to perform an instant search with today's date for all confirmed projects. This will display all ongoing projects.

Tip! Place your cursor over the Emergency contact name and you will see the email address and phone number registered on that contact:


In Project search, select which projects you would like to communicate with by checking the box on each row. After making your selection you can either send an email or SMS to the emergency contact(s).

Send emergency SMS

When sending an SMS, the sender will automatically be the Custom SMS sender for your office, but you may change this. You can add [tags] with the projectname, project number and the emergency contact name to make the message more personal when sending to several projects in one operation.

What it looks like for the emergency contact receiving the SMS

Send emergency email

When sending an email, the sender will be the defined email sender for each project, taken from Project settings -> Communication & language. You can change it to a custom sender instead, but you should use an email address with your own sender domain to limit spam issues. You can use [tags] like [emergencyContactName] and [projectName] to make the email more personal when sending to several projects in one operation. 

Create template texts for more effective and quality assuring messages

For emails, you can use a text template instead of creating a brand new text each time an emergency happens. Access the Templates menu in the Emergency email dialogue and use templates as you do elsewhere in Qondor. Read more about Templates.


In Project search, click "View emergency communication" to access the Emergency communication center.

In the Emergency communication center, you are able to view all emergency messages sent from your office. By default, the filter is set to today, so remember to change this to 'ALL' if you want to see the complete history.

All emergency messages sent are also logged in the Communication center on each project.

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