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Qondor Form account
Martin Moen avatar
Written by Martin Moen
Updated over 3 years ago

This article describes a feature that is currently in a testing phase, and only available to a limited group of Qondor customers.

This feature is currently implemented to solve one use case:
If creating an account, or already logged in, Qondor will save the participant category code used by the booker in the project to the bookers account. This way, Qondor can prefill the participant category codes on the Form Front Page the next time the booker visits a project he/she has previously booked in.


When activated on an office, all projects in the Office will have the following new features active in their Forms:

A "do you already have an account?" link on the Form Front Page:
The link will take the user to the generic login page (the same page used for logging in to AdminWeb). After logging in, the user will be routed back to the Form.

The "Already have an account?" link on the Form Front Page:

An option on the Personal Details step to create an account:

After a user has filled in an email and moved on to the next field, Qondor will check whether this email already is registered with an account. If no account exists, a "Create acccount" checkbox will become visible. The user will also have to create a new password for the account.

The Personal details page with the "Create account" option:

🔐 Security measures have been put in place to prevent guessing of accounts on Personal Details. Per user and IP address:

  • Qondor will check if the email input can create an account 5 times before the user is blocked from creating an account for ten minutes.

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