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Credit card fee ban 13Jan18

Under the new EU Directive PSD2, credit card surcharging will not be allowed (extra credit card fees).

Nils Olav Rislå avatar
Written by Nils Olav Rislå
Updated over 6 years ago

If you are receiving payments through credit cards in Qondor, there is an option of setting a credit card fee which is applied to the grand total before processing the credit card. Under the PSD2 directive, credit card surcharging will be banned on B2C transactions.

The directive will come into force January 13, 2018.

Suggested action

As we currently cannot separate the credit card surcharge fee based on Card type or type of attendee, we recommend that you remove the Credit Card fee on your active projects before January 13, 2018 to be compliant.

References (more info):

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