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Multi booking on a form

Enable registration of more than one participant in a booking

Nitu Kaur Sabbharwal avatar
Written by Nitu Kaur Sabbharwal
Updated over 11 months ago

A multi booking is one booking with one booker but with several participants connected to the booking. Multi booking forms are ideal for participants who are bringing a partner to an event, or if several from the same company are attending the same event.

📌The multi booking option should not be used with manual name reporting (available only on accommodation products) as the lists will not show correct information. The project manager must choose one or the other.


In Form settings -> Deadlines & Booking types, check enable multi booking.

Specify how many additional participants can be registered per booking in the bottom field "number of participants allowed per multi booking".

Bookers can register on behalf of someone else

When this option is enabled, a checkbox with "I am registering on behalf of someone else" will appear on the form. This enables bookers to register other people, and register themselves as only a contact person (not participating).

Disable this option, if bookers should not have this option and should be registered as a participant.

Anonymous multibooking

Check 'Allow anonymous multi booking' to allow bookers to register the number of participants without completing names. A deadline for reporting names can also be set. Project managers will need to follow up on bookings with incomplete name reporting in due time.

Change the heading

Simply type the suitable heading in the "heading" field for additional persons if the default heading in Qondor is not suitable.

💡For example, "Are you registering a companion?" or "How many players are you registering?"

Collect contact details from additional participants

It is also possible to add additional fields (email and mobile number) for additional participants in Form builder --> Personal details. Scroll to Additional person fields and publish the fields.

More additional fields for both the booker and additional participants can be added in Form builder --> Personal details --> scroll to Participant custom fields or Participant -> Participant custom fields.

Any Participant Custom Fields created by the project manager will be available to answer for all participants in the booking.

Control and limit category selections for bookers and additional persons

In Participant categories, it is possible to enable limitations per category:

  1. Limit the booker's choice of category, for example they can only book "Participant", not "Partner".

  2. Limit the additional person's category, for example, the booker cannot book an additional person in the "Participant category", but can choose the "Partner" category for them.

  3. Restrict bookers to only add additional persons in the same category as themselves.


On the first step of the form, the booker can scroll down and select the number of participants from the drop down list.

If your form has one category, the category name is not displayed to the booker. This also means that the additional person option will be presented as a drop-down list:

If your form has several categories, the additional person will be displayed like below:

When the maximum number of participants have been selected, the participant will be notified with the message, "ℹ️ Max x in total including contact person"

The next step will require the booker to complete the name(s) of the participants (unless anonymous name reporting is enabled).

💡 TIP: When there are several participants added to a booking, the booker can 'import names' to avoid typing manually.

As the booker proceeds through the booking, they will be able to select which participants they would like to reserve products for.

💡 GOOD TO KNOW: if the number of participants in the same category is the same as the number of booked products in the category, then all participant checkboxes will automatically be checked.

ℹ As with a normal booking, the booker needs to accept the terms and conditions and confirm the booking. 

ℹ Only the booker will receive the booking confirmation and has access to view/edit the booking.


The Project manager is able to communicate with all participants (if contact information has been obtained) connected to the booking.

The simplest way to do this is to head to the relevant booking --> select email or SMS 

A dialog will open and the following message will appear:

Select whether to send to all participants or only to the booker.


Booker and Project Manager

Booker: The main booker is responsible for the whole booking and will be able to view or edit the booking, by clicking the login link in their confirmation email. 

The Project manager can view and edit the booking from Qondor, (via Participants, Bookings or Lists) by clicking the relevant booking reference which will take them to the booking details.

👉 Refer to the edit bookings article for a step by step on the above.

Along with being able to edit all details and products, including those of the participants (name change, add or amend contact details, etc.) the person editing can also reduce or add participants. For example below, I have previously registered three additional participants, now I will only have one person attend.

Here, Qondor asks me to confirm the participants I am removing from the booking. Hit confirm to remove the participant(s) and remember to confirm the whole booking!


👍For single bookings, there is a 20-minute time limit to complete each page, and in a multibooking the 20 minute timer resets each time you leave the last name field on an additional person to go to complete the next participant name.

💡Project managers can choose to display the checkbox "I am registering on behalf of someone else" on the personal details page. Go to Form settings --> General --> Multi Booking to enable this setting:

How it appears on the form:

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