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List of bookings

Create and share an online list of bookings showing product quantities, balances, payments and name reporting status

Nitu Kaur Sabbharwal avatar
Written by Nitu Kaur Sabbharwal
Updated over 10 months ago

Project managers have an important task to do when handling payments for bookings and may need to liaise with others, such as their accounts or finance teams. Creating a list of bookings is a great way to get a list of payment information and can be customized so that the list receiver only receives the information they need.

For example, Project managers can choose to include:

  • Total amount paid per booking

  • Which bookers have an outstanding balance

  • Which bookers have paid and the total amount

  • Available and used form of payments, credit card or invoice and the amount

  • Billing address information, such as contact person, email address, billing address and more.

  • Any additional payments made by bookers

  • The total VAT

  • View the amount of products booked per booking

  • Name reporting status 


In the Lists module, choose List of bookings in a project:

Give your list a title that is easily identifiable (handy if you have a lot of lists!).

In this example, the Project manager needs to have a list of the bookers that have made a payment and the form of payment they have used. Therefore the following options are selected:

It's also possible to include the products in the list, to view which products have been booked and their amount.

Choose the bookings you want to see the status for in List Options. 'Approved' and 'awaiting approval' is selected here as the Project manager only wants to see payments for actual bookings:
*Here is where Project managers can also select to include name-reporting status.

Here's how the list looks:

You can sort the list in various ways:

  • In the order of booking (reference)

  • Highest number of participants

  • Sort names alphabetically

  • Highest amount of payment and so on.

A summary row displays by default on lists and is useful to see the total amounts of all bookings. This can also be taken away from your view by unchecking this in List Options.


You can share this list in the same way that you would share a list of participants or accommodations. Either share directly via email or share the list onto Customer Web. 🔐

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