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Supplier products: Setup details
Martin Moen avatar
Written by Martin Moen
Updated over a week ago

This article describes all features connected to Supplier products, and it's setup details.
In the Suppliers page, you can navigate to the Supplier products from this button:


The supplier products overview provides a quick overview of all supplier products in your office and the allotment status. The overview will list supplier products based on your access level:

Super administrator

- Supplier products from all offices the user have access to

Project Manager / Office Admin:

- Supplier products for suppliers within the users Office

- Supplier products for global suppliers

The overview:


Create a new supplier product from the Add new button:

Editing a product:


This name is used on tickets presented to the booker. Editing the name will update the name on all tickets, including sold.


Select which Supplier is the owner of the Supplier product

Booking approved notification email

The recipient will receive an email every time a booking is approved with this product.

Bookable allotment

Allotment on the supplier product is either defined through this field manually, or automatically by uploading ticket codes to the supplier product. If Tickets have been uploaded, the bookable allotment field will be disabled.


In the overview, you can view the current allotment status, which product and project the supplier product is connected to, and how many is booked.


Header: Logo

Upload a logo image

Ticket front page: Image

Upload a ticket front page image

Show barcode

Select whether the barcode should be visible to the booker.


The Tickets tab on a supplier product provides an overview of all uploaded tickets. You can view the uploaded date, valid until date, barcode type, how many total tickets there are, and how many tickets are sold.

⭐If you have multiple sets of tickets uploaded, Qondor will use ticket allotment from the ticket set with the earliest upload date. Inside that ticket set, Qondor will start from the top of the ticket set and work it's way down the list.


Upload sets of tickets through the multiline input box in Upload tickets.

Barcode type

Select between Code128, Code39 and EAN13 encoding. Make sure to select the correct encoding, as this cannot be changed after uploading.

Valid until

Set a valid until date for the tickets you are about to upload. The valid until date can be adjusted after uploading.

Insert ticket numbers

Use the multiline field to insert all your tickets. One valid ticket per line, separated by line breaks.

⭐ Good to know:

  • You can use supplier products across Qondor offices if you're using a global supplier.

  • When tickets are booked on a registration form, Qondor picks available tickets randomly, regardless of valid until date for the group of tickets that have been uploaded. The reason for this is that it is less likely that two simultaneous bookings selects the same ticket.

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