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Task Management

Stay organised and keep on top of things by handling tasks in Qondor and be reminded when they are due

Stine Karlsen O'Connor avatar
Written by Stine Karlsen O'Connor
Updated over a week ago


When handling projects, you probably have several tasks to remember to do at various times. Let Qondor help you and use tasks to:

  • Stay organised by keeping everything in Qondor, where you work every day

  • Keep deadlines to avoid losing potential sales with customers and allotment temporarily reserved at suppliers

  • Invoice when required

  • Name report to suppliers or free allotment to avoid unnecessary costs

  • Add, categorise, view, edit and complete tasks from anywhere in Qondor

  • Assign tasks to colleagues

  • View tasks for yourself, your team or a particular colleague

  • Project managers working in the project can view a history of what has been done for more controlled project management

  • Add general tasks or attach it to a specific project

  • Receive an email reminder on the day a task is due (you only receive one email per day and you will only receive reminders for your own tasks)


Add tasks per project

  1. Simply click the task icon on the main menu to add a task:

2. Register task name and due date. If you add it when active in a project, the task will automatically be connected to that project.

3. Click SAVE. The task will now be added to your task list.

Add more information to a task

To add more information to a task, click show advanced fields to reveal the following:

Here you can add the following:

  • A description - to describe more details of the task

  • Keep the task visible to other project managers or make it a private task (only visible to you)

  • Change the status on the task (available statuses: to do, in-progess, complete).

  • The assignee will be set to you by default, however you can assign to a colleague if needed from here.

  • Select a project if the task applies to a particular project.

  • Assign a customer related to the task.

Create Project templates to standardise tasks

Superusers using Project templates can create templates to standardise projects. If you have common tasks that need to be completed per project, then it is a good idea to include these tasks in your templates. When Project managers copy the project template, the tasks will also follow. This way Project managers don't need to create the tasks again and it prevents important tasks from being forgotten about.

Tasks are only copied over into a new project if the project is created from a project template with tasks. Tasks are not copied if the project is copied from an existing project.

Examples of tasks you may want to standardise:

  • Offer: Follow up customer on offer option date

  • Suppliers: Release/confirm bookings with suppliers

  • Invoicing: Deposit to customer

  • Name reporting deadline

  • Invoicing: final invoice

  • Customer evaluation

  • Finalise and close project

Add these in the same way as above, but in a project template.

Due date will be empty, the assignee will be set to the main Project manager, Project is set to the Project manager's new project, only tasks in "To do" will be copied, the Created by will be set to the main Project manager in the new project, Created at is the date the new project is created on.

If using tasks in this way, we recommend establishing an internal routine to remind Project managers to amend the tasks' due dates.


The day a task is due, you receive an early morning email displaying tasks that are due that day. Note that you do not receive emails for overdue tasks.

When clicking on the task link you will be sent directly to the task list in Qondor. If you click on the project link you will be directed to the Project details page.


View tasks from anywhere in Qondor

Click the Tasks icon at the top of the page in Qondor, and a slide-in window will appear displaying tasks that are overdue or due in the next 7 days.

Views tasks within a project

When opening the Task-slide in window inside a project, an automatic project filter is applied and only tasks that belong to that project will be visible. 👇🏽

Click the toggle to switch between viewing tasks only in the project or all tasks due (across all projects). 👇🏽

View Task list

Task view

Click "Task list" to access this; here you will see your tasks. If you access the list from a specific project, only tasks connected to that project will be displayed.

Filter on tasks

You can filter the page to view exactly what you are looking for:

  • The default view shows only your tasks, but you can toggle the "Yes/No" button next to "Only my tasks" to view yours and your colleagues' tasks.

  • Filter by "Due date" to prioritize tasks based on deadlines.

  • Under "Assignee" choose to view another colleague's tasks.

  • Project and Customer filters lists all projects and customers with tasks, so you can select which project or customer you want to view tasks for from the "Project" or "Customer" dropdown.

🔁You can also reset your filter by clicking "Reset" to the right.



When adding a task, it will automatically belong to you. It will be displayed as your task in the task list and you will receive an email reminder when it is due.

To assign a task to someone else, click "Show advanced fields" when creating or editing the task, type your colleague's name in the "Assignee" field and select the right name:

Qondor will notify the person who has been assigned the task. 👇🏽


In the task list under the "Assignee" filter, choose Custom. You will then see all users in your office so select the one(s) you want to view tasks for and click "Apply filter".


If you register a task when active in a project, the task will automatically be connected to that project. If you want it connected to another project, you can start typing the project number or name in the "Project" field and select it from the drop down list.


Change a task to in progress or completed

When creating a task the default status is To do. To change the task status to reflect where you are in the process, simply use drag & drop to move the task from the To do column to the In progress or Completed column.

View Completed tasks

Tasks completed less than 14 days ago will be displayed by default in the "Completed" task column. Task manager filters out tasks that are completed more than 14 days ago, and archives these tasks.

To view the archived tasks simply click the "Include archived tasks" as shown below. When you press this, the completed column will display all your archived tasks, as well as tasks completed less than 14 days ago. ⤵


Edit: In the task list, click the task you want to edit, and a dialog will appear. Make your changes and remember to save them.

Delete: In the task list, click the task you want to delete, and a dialog will appear. Scroll down, click the delete icon at the bottom right. You will need to confirm the deletion when prompted.


💡 Categorise tasks

When adding a task you can define task colours to categorise tasks. The standard task colour is light blue but can be changed. This is a great way for your team to stay aligned and coordinate tasks.

Your office can for example define specific colours to certain types of tasks, like Red = deadlines, Blue = name reporting, Green = invoicing, and so on.

💡 Automatic creation of a follow up task once an offer is sent

The send offer dialog contains an option to create a task to follow up on an offer that is being sent. Check the checkbox Create reminder task with due date and a task will automatically be created. Project managers can select which date to receive the email reminder on from here.

📌 The reminder will be received along with any other tasks due on that date. The task will contain the following information:

  • Task name: “Follow up on offer sent (OfferSentDate)"

  • Description: Same as Supplier email task inside a Project

  • Due date: The date you have chosen

  • Assignee: The project manage sending the offer

  • Project: The project containing the offer

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