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Invite Participants to book on a form

Send invitations and reminders, track who accepts and declines and give your customer live status

Martin Moen avatar
Written by Martin Moen
Updated over 3 weeks ago


Offer added service to your customers by handling the invitation process for them! All you need from your customer is an updated Excel spreadsheet with names and email addresses of invitees. It can also include other information so each participant do not have to register information needed on lists which is already known to your customer.

  • Customize and send invitations

  • Control registration access to an event

  • Track who accepts and declines

  • Follow up and send reminders to those who do not answer

  • Provide a full overview of live status to your customer



1. Create your registration form and make sure it is published.

2. If all participants need an invite in order to register, thereby having full control of who can register, activate 'Invitation only' in Form Settings -> General. If only some participant categories need an invite in order to register, define this per category in Participant Categories

3. Import your participants in the Participants menu with status Potential. Make sure to include their email address.

4. Add yourself as a potential participant and send an invite to yourself to verify the email layout, registration form and invitation process.

5. Check the participants you want to invite in the list and click 'Invite' to open the email dialogue. If you have over 200 participants make sure you click 'Show all participants' before you select 'All' and click Invite.

Define your invitation email

You may save it as a draft for later or send it straight away.
An invitation is strictly personal and should not be forwarded to others. We recommend including this in the invitation text.

Sender name: Appears as the sender name on the email.

Sender address: Make sure this is a valid email as participants might reply to this address.

Subject: Set a subject

Insert invite link: Inserts the mandatory invite link to the registration form. This link is unique per invited participant.

Insert 'no thank you' link: Inserts a link for the receiver to decline the invitation. This link should not be next to the Invite link, as recipients may click on the wrong link. Participants are able to regret their decline on the 'No thank you page' they see when declining.

Attachments: Include files to your invitation email.

Save draft: Save a draft of the invitation to use it again later. Attachments will not be saved. If you want to save more drafts, we recommend creating text templates.

Schedule for later: Select a date and time to send the email.


❗ Beware that sending several thousand emails in one operation may cause issues and delays and should be avoided. We recommend sending large amounts in bulk of up to 1000 per operation. You can for example filter on status Potential and select the first 1000 in the list. Once the invite is sent, the participants' status is automatically changed to Invited, so you can again filter on status Potential, select up to another 1000 participants and repeat the process.

Contact Qondor Support if you are unsure of how to handle your scenario.


  • Invited participants receive an email invitation and they will not see who else has received an invitation. If you have defined this per participant category, then the participant will not be able to see their category.

  • The link is personal and belongs to the invited participant. It should not be forwarded to others.

  • When accessing the invitation link, the participant will have the information you have stored in Qondor information pre-filled on the first form step (for example gender, name, email, phone and any custom fields).

  • When the participant has registered a booking, the status is updated from Invited to Attending.

  • If a participant clicks on a 'No thank you' link, the status is immediately updated to Not attending. They will see a standard 'No thank you' page with the form design of the project. A link to register after all is available on this page, but after closing the page, this is no longer possible. You then need to manually change their status to 'Potential' again and send them a new invitation.


To follow up those who have not replied, select participants with status Invited and send them an invitation reminder by using the Invite button. A tip here is to make it clear in the email subject and body that this is a reminder and include any deadline for registering.


  • Create a List of participants to show your customer a full overview of who have been invited, accepted, declined and cancelled at all times. Remember to include all relevant participant statuses in the list.

  • Keep track of status yourself in the Participants menu. The following statuses apply:

Potential: not invited yet but has been imported into Qondor
Invited: an invitation has been sent
Attending: accepted the invitation/booked
Not attending: declined the invitation
Rejected: invitation has been withdrawn/made invalid by the Project manager


  • If you have imported participants with status 'attending' you need to bulk delete them and perform the import again to be able to invite them.

  • If you have an allotment and you wish to invite additional participants, you can manually set invited participants to 'rejected'. Their invite link will become invalid and you may replace these participants by adding new ones.

  • If a participant has declined an invitation and changes their mind you need to manually change their status to 'potential' and send a new invitation.

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