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List of Participants

Create a live online list in your project and choose what information to display

Martin Moen avatar
Written by Martin Moen
Updated over 9 months ago


1. Go to Lists on the main menu from the relevant project.

2. List of participants is selected first. Click create.



Give your a list a name, for e.g. attendance. You can also include additional information, for e.g. to provide more information to the customer or supplier if you are sharing a list with them.


Select the information columns you want to display in the list.

In the example below, I add Gender, Last name, First name, Email, Phone (mobile number) and a Participant custom field.*


I only include 'attending' participants for my list.

⏺️Filtering options: Show all participants with at least one of the selected products.

Check this option if you only want to see participants who have selected a specific product.

Pro tip

If you want to omit participants who haven't answered a product, you can preview the list, and use the filter in the list. Type "0" in the field for filtering. This will filter out the ones who have booked/selected the product and only display those who have not.

This way, you can communicate with and remind bookers to book or respond to a product.

⏺️Form alternative options: Relevant if you have form alternatives in your form. Choose whether to display answers to form alternatives in one column or per column.

⏺️Participant custom fields options: Relevant if you have enabled participant custom fields in your form (on the personal details step).

Check which options to display under Custom fields in the Fields tab. Decide whether you want to display participant responses in one column or in a separate column.

⏺️Accommodation display options: Relevant if you have accommodation products in your form. Show all information in one column or the rooms which have been booked per date in a separate row.

⏺️Include participants with status: Select which participant statuses you want to display in the form.

⏺️ Summary row: Checked by default. Shows the total number of participants per row who have selected the option.

⏺️Filter on participant categories: Relevant if you have participant categories enabled in your form. By selecting: "Filter on participant categories" the available categories will be revealed and you can select one or several categories in the form.


The List looks like this:


Date fields explained

CREATED (the time the participant was created or imported)
LAST EDITED (the last time the participant/their booking was edited)
INVITED (the first time the participant was invited)
ATTENDING* (the last time the participant/their booking was set to Attending)
CANCELLED (the date the participant's booking was cancelled)

*Participant lists with drop down custom fields

Here is an example of a different list with a drop down list of activities (using participant custom fields). "All alternatives" are selected so if you add any more, it will automatically be added to the list!

"Selected alternatives" allows you to select which activities to add to the list in the case that you want to create a separate list per an alternative.

Sort participant custom field options per column in lists

By default, participant custom field responses are displayed in one column. Project managers can choose to show each response in a separate column in a participant list.

Example list ↘️ Qondor sums up how many participants have selected the relevant option:

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