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Project Files

Keep all important documentation in Qondor and easily share it

Martin Moen avatar
Written by Martin Moen
Updated over 3 months ago

Use Project Files to upload files you are working with on a project, such as:

  • Supplier contracts

  • Various terms & conditions

  • Documents from suppliers like programs from DMC's

  • Food menus

  • Images from suppliers

  • Customer logos and images

  • Emails and more


  • Keep all important documents and information in one place

  • Avoid having to search your email inbox or file system to find a particular file

  • Share a link to a file/image with participants, customers, suppliers and colleagues


1. Navigate to Project Files from the Project menu or from Project Details.

2. Select Upload Files

3. Choose your file. You can also access files from a drive such as OneDrive if synchronised with your computer.

4. Uploaded files can be renamed, and you can also add comments.


All uploaded files are private by default. This means only logged in users to your office in Qondor can access them. Click "Make public" in the bottom right corner to publish the file and get a public link. Those receiving the link can access the file without having to log in to Qondor. Public links can be used for publishing files and images on Participant Web.

Share files via email with participants

You can easily include public project files as links in emails to participants, instead of adding files. This is recommended to avoid issues that email attachments may create, like spam and large files, and it is more user friendly. In email dialogues, set your marker where you want to add the file, then click "Insert project file link" in the menu and choose the public file you want to add. You can also give the link a new name if needed there and then:

Share files via Menu items or in a text box

A public file can be published as a link in a Menu item on Customer Web or Participant Web, or in any HTML editor through Right Click -> "insert/edit link or image". See example below:


It is not possible to make a public file private again. If you do not want it to be public anymore, delete the file. If you want to keep it internally in Qondor, upload it again without making it public.


To view a file you have already uploaded, click the download icon as shown below and the file will be downloaded onto your device. Click on the file you have downloaded to view it.

NB! The max file size is ~200MB


There is no specific limit per project, but across an organisation's Qondor instance, a user can have up to 10 GB accumulated. For an organisation with 100 users, total file limit would be 10 GB x 100 users = 1000 GB in total.


Adminweb users can upload the following file types in Project file and menu items:

bmp,  csv, doc, docx, dotx, eml, gif, heic, htm, html, ics, jfif, jpeg, jpg, mov, mp4, msg, ods, odt, pbit, pbix, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, rtf, txt, webp, xls, xlsm, xlsx, zip, tif
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