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Project Templates

Standardise project content for reuse in your organisation, across offices, for quality assuring and effective project management and sales

Stine Karlsen O'Connor avatar
Written by Stine Karlsen O'Connor
Updated over 4 years ago

Project templates are simply normal projects created in the standard way, but they are marked as templates. All available project content can be added to them, the only difference is that only Office and Super admins can edit them. However, all Project managers can copy the content, allowing you to standardise and protect content for all users in your office.


Depending on the nature of your business, it can be smart to standardise project content, which has several advantages:

  • If your organisation is new to Qondor, it is a great way to standardise your way of working, making it easier for Project managers to learn the system and make fast gains.

  • More effective project management and sales as Project managers can copy this content when handling new projects instead of adding it manually. This frees up a lot of time for Project managers, so they can focus on selling more and providing even better customer service.

  • More effective and quality assuring participant management by providing Project managers with a standard registration form for name reporting which can be used in all projects.

  • Better quality assurance as Project managers do not have to create the same content again and again, which would leave more room for error.

  • If you already have standardised Qondor content, it's a good idea to protect it by allowing only Office and Super admins to alter it. By using project templates, you eliminate the risk of Project managers mistakenly changing standard content. The less accessible it is, the safer it is.

  • If your organisation uses more than one office in Qondor, you could use a separate office as a template for offer products for Project managers from any office to copy from. Project managers can use the Product search option to access and reuse offer products from template projects from any office. This allows you to standardise templates products for use across offices.


New projects

  1. An Office or Super admin can create a new project and define it as a template in Project settings by checking the Template box as seen below.

  2. Add the desired content.

  3. Let Project managers know when to use the template and how to.

Existing projects

  1. An Office or Super admin can access an existing project you want to define as a template, and then check the Template box in Project settings.

  2. Edit content if needed, and let Project managers know when to use the template and how, if they do not already know this.


Create project templates Project managers copy when creating new projects

  • Create templates if you offer standard content again and again with the same location, the same customer web front page, same menu items and same offer content and/or same program. Create a project with this content and name it smartly so that internal users know when to use it. Mark it as a template. Project managers can then copy from this template when creating a new project. Customers, dates, prices and everything else can be changed in the new project without altering content in the template.

  • If you often have the same Customer Web front page, menu items and some offer content, create a template project with this content and Project managers will save time by copying from this when creating new projects.

  • If you always want to have a standard registration form option in your projects, create a template project with this standard content, and Project managers will only have to publish the form and send out the link for registration, without having to create a form from scratch every time. If your customer does not want to use the form after all, it does not matter, then you just leave it there unused without any consequences.

Create products in a template project that Project managers copy from when working with offers

  • If you want to have a product database of, for example location descriptions, airlines, hotels and/or standard offer products like fees, information or added sales options, create a template project with this content, and Project managers can copy it into their new offers from Product search in Offer admin. Below is an example of a template project with an offer called "Destinations", with standard products as location descriptions.

Project managers can find these templates in Product search by searching the template project name or number, and also select the correct offer for an accurate search result.

If you have more than one office in Qondor, then Project managers can also use products that belong to a template project from other offices:

Other options

Do you have another smart way to utilise templates? Let us know how you use templates by reaching out to We love to hear how creative you can be!


It is easy to see if a project is marked as a template. In Project search, the project has a read only symbol. Only Office and Super admins can click on the project link and access it, but all Project managers can view template projects in Project search.

When Office and Super admins are in a template project, the project information to the top left is marked as blue.

Note! Template projects are not included in reports, so make sure not to mark real customer projects as templates.

Tip! If a Project manager wants to see the full contents of a project template, he/she can copy the template project into a new project, as the actual template projects are only accessible to Office and Super admins.

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